What is Radarography?
If, upon seeing the name of this website, you quickly ran a google search on the word “radarography” I suspect you are not alone. Yes, the word is made up, and, yes, it does sound confusingly similar to radiography, a type of medical imaging. All of that said, our team is very proud of the unique radar image formation workflow we have put together that drives this site. So much so, we believe that it warrants the invention of a new word to describe the data experience that our capability unlocks. The purpose of this website is to allow users to look back in time at the changing geography of our planet through the lens of very powerful and proficient radar satellites, the Copernicus Sentinel 1 mission. While there are many tools already in existence to visualize Sentinel 1 collections, our goal was to make Sentinel 1 data accessible to the average web-surfer looking to gain a few new insights on geographic places that are important to them.